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UeLA & TIES 合同フォーラム2016『TIES シンポジウム』


このシリーズは、2017年3月17日(金)、18日(土)、帝塚山大学 奈良・東生駒キャンパスで開催された『UeLA & TIES 合同フォーラム2016』より、2日目の『TIES シンポジウム』 での講演を収録したものです。

ICT-enhanced GNH Society in Bhutan

著者:Akinobu Kawai, Tshering Wangdi, Chimi Dorji, Paljor Galay and Tsuneo Yamada
所属:The Open University of Japan, Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan

Bhutan is located in southern Asia between China and India. In 1972, the Fourth King of Bhutan noticed economic wellbeing does not usually result in an equitable society. Bhutan needed a development philosophy to balance economic development with the emotional and spiritual well-being of the people. Gross National Happiness (GNH) was prioritized as the development philosophy rather than Gross National Product (GNP). Today, GNH as a developmental paradigm is seriously implemented in all areas of the development including higher education and ICT. ICT can affect the achievement of the component goals of Gross National Happiness. The concept of ICT-enhanced GNH society has become an interesting aspect of Bhutanʼs progress towards the goal of GNH. In this course, the GNH practices in Bhutan and the expected contributions of ICTs are introduced and the issues remained will be discussed.

OER Collection


Open Educational Resources(OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that educational institutes and others provide for free of charge to support access to knowledge. In the OER Collection series, we present some of the high-quality OER created by various institutes around the world as e-books “CHiLO Book” adding written scripts and quizzes.